Forgotten Your Password?

No worries! It is easy to reset. Just enter the email address registered to your OutSavvy partner acocunt below. If your email address matches an OutSavvy account you will be sent further instructions regarding how to reset the password.

Please check the junk folder in your mail provider if you do not receive the email or add to your safe sender list.

Still having issues logging in to your account? Fill out the Partner Contact Request form here and a member of the team will be in touch.
Looking to buy tickets? Reset your password on
Your OutSavvy Partner Account Email

Error submitting reset password request

The email address you provided does not have an OutSavvy Partner account to sell tickets. Please check the email address or try and alternative address you may have registered with.

If you already have an OutSavvy account that is not a Partner Account please reset your password on


Error submitting reset password request
