OutSavvy supports online only events that are streamed online and do not require a location. The differences between online only events and on-location events:
- Online only events do not require a location
- Online events have two optional extra fields, your stream URL and details of how to connect
There are no restrictions for online events and other than the differences above the same OutSavvy Terms and Conditions apply for these events. It is important to follow the guide below to ensure the system recognises your event as online as the customers tickets are customised for online events so they do not mention a location to avoid any confusion.
Follow the guide to creating a new event here and customise your online event by following these extra instructions below:
1 Select the Online Event checkbox
Ensure that the Online Events checkbox is ticked. This can be found above the location entry box on the Create Event form. This customises your event and tickets so guests know that your event will be held online.
2 Customise your online event
Once you have checked the online event checkbox, you can add extra information to help your guests connect to your event. If you already have your stream url you can add it to the first textbox and the url will appear on the guests confirmation screen once they have purchased a ticket. You can also add details regarding how to connect to the stream in the second textbox and this will also appear on the ticket purchase confirmation screen.
You can also find more details and tips regarding setting up your online event on our bog here.