OutSavvy Partner Support

How do I create Ticket Tiers?

Ticket Tiers allow you to make future tiers of tickets available once the parent tier sells out or is taken off sale. Ticket Tiers are commonly used when you have different ticket types that you want to sell one after another for example, a first release, second release etc.

Sub Ticket Tiers are greyed out but still visible on your event page.


How to set up Tiered Tickets

It is really simple to create Ticket Tiers on OutSavvy!


1 A New Event


If you are creating a new event you can set your Ticket Tiers in the Advanced settings when adding your tickets. In the example in the image below the Second Release tickets will only go on sale when the First Release tickets are sold out or the First Release tickets are off sale i.e. you take them off sale manually or on the on sale end date expires.



2 An Existing Event


You can create and edit Ticket Tiers in the Edit Tickets screen of your event.

Click Edit under each Ticket Type you wish to edit. If the Ticket Tier already exists, you can change the Tier or remove it completely or if the Ticket Tier doesn’t exist you can choose the Ticket Type to Tier. Also remember to click Save Changes once you have made your changes.