OutSavvy Partner Support

My customer did not receive their ticket, what can I do?

If your customer does not receive their tickets via the sales email, you can check the status of the email and resend their email from the Partner Portal.

1 Find the customers order

Select the event the customer purchased tickets for in the My Events page accessible in the top menu. Go to Manage Guests in the Dashboard menu and select Guest management.  Find the guest who did not receive their ticket and click on the Manage guest arrow.

2 Check the status of the order

From here you can see all the details of your guests order. Check that the order is still active and has not been refunded and also check the status of the sales email in the field 'Order email status'. If the email status is delivered then the sales email was successfully delivered to your customer. Ask your guest to check the junk folder in their email client in case the email ended up there. If this email status is Bounced then we could not deliver the email to your customer.

3 Edit the email address for your customer

If the email address bounced, it is likely the customer has a typo in their email address. You could also deliver the tickets to a different email address if the problem persists. To edit the email address click the EDIT ORDER button. Change the email address and click the CONFIRM EDIT button.

4 Re-send the confirmation

The last option in the order information table gives you a number of options to manage the order. Select Re-send confirmation email from the dropdown menu and the tickets will be resent to your guest. You may want to tell your guest to check their mailbox junk folder just in case.

TIP: If the customer is not in your guestlist their order has not gone through. Please advise your guest to try and order their tickets again.
PRO TIP: If the guest still has trouble receiving the email select Download tickets from the dropdown list and you can save their tickets as a PDF and manually email the tickets to your guests.