OutSavvy Partner Support

How do I add a new event organiser?

When creating a new event on OutSavvy, you can choose to create the event as your current event organiser or create a new one. For example, you may run multiple events under different brands and wish to create a new event organiser for your new brand.


There are two ways to create a new organiser account; either when creating an event or on the register screen.

Tip: When creating a new event organiser, your customer list is stored against this new event organiser account. This allows you to keep different lists of customers separately.
1 When creating an event

When setting up a new event, in the first section find the ‘Event Organiser for this Event’ section. Your current event organiser name is shown with the option to Add new organiser account. Select this option and fill out the form adding your new event organiser name and a description. The organiser name will be used for your landing page and appear on your tickets sold.


Press the Save button and your new partner account will be created.

2 Registering a new account

You can also register a new partner account from the partner site registration screen. Just log-out of your account and go to the register page. Fill in the form using your email address and password and the new organiser account will be added to your login.

Tip: Don’t forget to go to the Settings page in the top navigation once you have finished to configure your new partner account.
Tip: Once you have created multiple event organsiers in your account, you can switch organiser using the dropdown list on the My Events page. You can also do this on the Dash app using the left hand menu once you login.