It is really simple to register an OutSavvy account and start selling your event tickets on our website and mobile app. We don't need much information from you at this stage, just some basics to get you going.
Go to to register your account.
1 Email address
Enter your email address, this will be used as your login and is also automatically added to your email distribution list for sales email and guest list emails (you can add or remove email addresses in your account settings once registered).
Tip: If you already have already registered an account on your email address will be shown. You can upgrade your account to a partner account by filling in the rest of the form or logout to create a brand new account with a different email address.
2 Password
Enter a password. This must be at least 6 characters and we advise you pick something with both a mix of characters, numbers and letters.
3 Other Information
Give us a few details about yourself. This information is never used on OutSavvy and is not visible to the ticket buyers. We only use this information if we need to contact you.
4 Company/event name
Add your company/event name. This is important to get this right as this will be used as the url of your landing page, the name on your tickets and on your event page as the event organiser. If you plan to add multiple events with different names add your business name (i.e. the name of the venue or company) otherwise if you only plan to list one event use the name of your event.
Adding more partner accounts: When you create an event you can add a new partner account or use an existing account. On OutSavvy you can have as many partner accounts as you like.
5 Terms and Conditions
Finally, have a read of the terms and conditions and accept them.
Congratulations, you now have an OutSavvy account! From here you can add your first event and then gain access to the full event Dashboard.