It really simple to activate Payment Plans for your event. You can either activate Payment Plans when you are creating an event or you can add Payment Plans to exisiting live events.
1. New Events
When creating your new event, you can activate Payment Plans by cliking the "Activate Ticket Payment Plan +" link which you can find under step 4 "Add Event Tickets".
Click the checkbox with the title "Would you like to activate a payment plan for your event?". Now select which Payment Plans you would like to activate, you can choose between the deposit scheme or the monthly payment plan. Finally, confrim the date you would like all payment plans to be finisged by before the start of your event. For example, if you select 1 month before the event then all payemnt plans will have to be completed 1 month prior to the start date of your event.
2. Exisiting Events
On the Dahsbaord menu of your event select the option Event Details > Edit Event. You can activate Payment Plans by cliking the "Activate Ticket Payment Plan +" link which you can find under step 4 "Add Event Tickets".
Click the checkbox with the title "Would you like to activate a payment plan for your event?". Now select which Payment Plans you would like to activate, you can choose between the deposit scheme or the monthly payment plan. Finally, confrim the date you would like all payment plans to be finisged by before the start of your event. For example, if you select 1 month before the event then all payemnt plans will have to be completed 1 month prior to the start date of your event.