It is really simple to sell your OutSavvy tickets on your website or blog using OutSavvy widgets. We currently have five different types of widgets for you to embed. Note - you may need your webmaster to add the necessary code to sell but it is very simple.
Firstly, select the event you wish to generate a widget for an navigate to Promote Event > Widgets in the Dashboard menu. From here you can select from the following widgets:
1. Ticket shop
A full ticket shop for all your events on OutSavvy. The ticket shop lists all of your current live events and has a full checkout process for ticket buyers.
2. Event
A full ticket shop for a specific event. You can embed the details of one event and allow ticket buyers to purchase for this event only.
3. Calendar
A calendar control that shows all your events in a calendar format. Links in the calendar widget link through to your event page on OutSavvy.
4. Checkout
A full ticket shop for an event with just the checkout. If you want ticket buyers to be able to purchase tickets but not see details of the event then embed this widget.
5. Button
A button that links to your event.
Note - all our widgets are responsive and therefore work with any dimensions on your website.
Once you have selected the widget you will be able to customise the widget. Each widget has different customisation options available. You can preview each widget before you decide to embed the code. Once finalised, you will find some code to copy at the bottom of the screen. Paste this code in full into your website or blog code and the widget will appear on your website or blog.