We understand that the worst can happen and you may need to cancel your event and OutSavvy is here to help!
1 Inform your customers
The most important thing to do is to let your customers know that the event has been cancelled. You may want to email the customers yourself or alternatively use the messaging functionality on OutSavvy which you can read more about here.
2 Cancel the event date
Navigate to Event Details > Edit Dates in the Dashboard menu. Find the date you wish to cancel (if you are cancelling more than one date you will need to do this for each date) and select the Cancel date button. If you still have orders that you haven't refunded you will be alerted that cancelling the date will refund all the orders including all paid tickets, add-ons and donations. All your free tickets will also be cancelled. This can't be reversed so please ensure you wish to refund all orders before cancelling your event date. Please enter the reason for cancelling the event; this will be included in the order refund event sent to your customers.
You will be asked to re-enter your password for extra security before you can cancel the date. Once confirmed the system will begin to process all your refunds and your date will be immediately cancelled.
Please note: Please do not refund each order one by one if you need to cancel a date. The OutSavvy booking fees are only refunded when an event is cancelled