The events API requires special access to retrieve events that are not linked to your partner account. You can request access when setting up your token. If you do not have special access you can still retrieve your events from these endpoints
GET /events/:id
Gets a specific event by id as event. Private fields are included for organisers of this event only.
No parameters for this endpoint
GET /events/search
Gets a list of events as event. Returns a paginated list of events that are public on OutSavvy and match the search query.
GET /events/:id/dates
Gets a list of dates associated with the selected events returned as date.
GET /events/:id/tickettypes
Gets a list of all ticket types associated with the selected events returned as ticket type. Each ticket is associated with a date and an event.
GET /events/:id/questions
Gets a list of all extra questions requested from guests at the point of purchase returned as question.
No parameters for this endpoint
GET /events/:id/question/:id
Gets a specific question requested from guests at the point of purchase returned as question.
No parameters for this endpoint
This endpoint is only available to users who organise the event. No public data is available for this endpoint.
GET /events/:id/promocodes
Gets a list of all active discount and promo codes associated with an event returned as promo code.
No parameters for this endpoint
This endpoint is only available to users who organise the event. No public data is available for this endpoint.
GET /events/:id/orders
Gets a paginated list of all orders associated with an event returned as a list of order.
No parameters for this endpoint