Promocode Response
This is an object representing a promocode or discount on OutSavvy. This response is only available for organisers of an event.
Private fields
- id integer: The id of the promo code
- promo_type string: One of unlock, visible_discount, hidden_discount
- valid_from datetime: The date the promo code is valid from
- valid_to datetime: The date the promo code is valid to
- title string: The title of the promo code describes the discount
- percentage integer: The percentage discount if available
- money_off float: The money off the value of the ticket if available
- max_usage integer: The max number of usages for the promocode or discount
- promo_code string: The promo code the customer enters to get the discount. Not available for visible_disocunt promo types
- created datetime: The date and time the code was created
- modified datetime: The date and time the code was modified
- valid_tickets ticket types: A list of valid ticket types for the promo code
Promocode Ticket Type Response
This is an object representing a valid ticket type for promo code. This response is only available for organisers of an event.
Private fields
- id integer: The id of the promo code ticket type
- event_date_id integer: The event date id for the valid ticket type
- event_ticket_id integer: The ticket id for the valid ticket type
- active boolean: Is the promo code currently active and available to use
- usage integer: The current number of usages for the promo code for this ticket type