Event Response
This is an object representing an event. The event has a number of public and private fields. Only organisers of an event have access to the private fields.
Public fields
- id integer: The id of the event
- is_online string: Is the event online?
- name string: The name of the event
- description string: A long description of the event
- line_up string: An optional long description of the line-up
- url string: The URL of the event on OutSavvy
- dates date: A list of all event dates associated with the event
- organiser_id integer: The id of the event organiser
- created datetime: The date and time the event was created
- status string: One of live, inactive, past_event, private
- image_url string: The url of the uploaded event image
- image_url_large string: The url of the optional uploaded event image for mobile
- latitude string: The latitude of the event location. Can be used to filter by radius
- longitude string: The longitude of the event location. Can be used to filter by radius
- location_name string: The name of the location where the event is taking place
- address_1 string: The first line of the event address
- address_2 string: The second line of the event address
- address_3 string: The third line of the event address
- address_town string: The town/city where the event is taking place
- address_postcode string: The postcode of the event address
- changed datetime: The date and time the event was last changed
- price string: The current price of the event or status i.e. sold out, waiting list, resell
- accessibility_toilet boolean: Does the event has accessible toilets?
- accessibility_parking boolean: Does the event have accessible parking spaces?
- accessibility_bsl boolean: Does the event have BSL Interpreter?
- accessibility_assistant boolean: Does the event have a complimentary ticket for assistant?
- accessibility_hearing boolean: Does the event have a hearing loop installed?
- accessibility_animals boolean: Does the event have a quiet area?
- accessibility_stepfree boolean: Does the event have service animals welcome?
- accessibility_wheelchair boolean: Does the event have step free access?
- accessibility_quiet boolean: Is the event wheelchair accessible?
Private fields
- password string: The password to access private events if available
- total_capacity integer: The total capacity of your event. This is the sum of all the tickets.