OutSavvy API Developer Documentation


A pagination response is returned with many of our endpoints whereby the number of returned responses may exceed 20 items. The pagination response is returned in the following format:


The pagination response returns the following objects:

  • total_items - the total number of items the endpoint has to return
  • page_number - the current page number of objects returned
  • page_size - the number of objects returned in each page
  • total_pages - the total number of pages that the endpoint can return

You can pass two GET parameters into endpoints with paginated responses. Use the "page_number" parameter to get a specific page of objects. You can also pass in the "page_size" parameter to set the number of returned responses although some responses have a maximum page size as the API is tuned to improve response speed.

Although items returned in paginated responses have reliable ordering, the objects being returned may change between requests for example a new event is added between requests and fits the query.