Quick Start
The OutSavvy API is REST-based, using OAuth2 for authentication and uses POST to access the methods. All methods return responses in JSON (you can discover all our response formats here).
To interact with the end points you will need an HTTP library and a JSON parser. The first step will be to create an access token for your account.
Account authentication
To access the endpoints we require an access token. Currently OutSavvy does not allow third party apps access to any private event information (a normal OAuth2 process would involve you redirecting to our OAuth2 endpoint, approving access, and getting redirected back with a token) but for ease of development we auto-generate personal OAuth tokens which you can access on the API access page here. Please be aware that an OutSavvy partner account is required.
Be careful to keep this token secure. This token gives access to public data on OutSavvy but also personal data specific to your events.
Rate limits
Access to the OutSavvy API is limited to 5,000 calls in a 24 hour period. If you go over this limit you will get an error response. If you require a larger rate limit please contact us to discuss your requirements.
Accessing the API
A full list of endpoints are available to view here. As the API expands more endpoints will be added here. For now we will take you through an example of one endpoint.
- /v1/events/search: A search of public event information
You always need to pass your access token to every method you call. In this example we will send the access token as a GET parameter but we suggest you pass as authorisation header as detailed below.
You can pass GET parameters to each endpoint, a list of which are available in the endpoint definitions.
If your token is invalid you will get an error object returned. If you pass a valid token you will get a JSON response similar to this:
Some endpoints have a pagination response to ensure that JSON responses are never too large. You can configure pagination by passing in configurable GET parameters. More details can be found here.
Accessing the API in code
Now you have gained access to your first endpoint over HTTP, it is time to access the API in code. For security reasons, we suggest that instead of passing the token as a GET parameter you pass the token as an authorisation header (with the value “Partner TOKEN”, replacing TOKEN for your OAuth token)