Order Response
This is an object representing a customer order on OutSavvy. Only organisers of an event have access to orders for their event. The Order response is never publicly available.
Private fields
- id integer: The id of the order
- event_id integer: The id of the event
- event_date_id integer: The id of the event date
- purchase_date datetime: The date of purchase for the order
- date_modified datetime: The date the last time the order was modified
- first_name string: The first name of the customer
- last_name string: The last name of the customer
- email string: The email address of the customer
- email_sent boolean: Was the sales confirmation email sent the customer with their tickets
- email_bounced boolean: Did the sales email bounce on delivery to the customer's email address?
- price price: The total price of the order
- fees price: The fees for the order
- is_refunded boolean: Has the order been refunded?
- date_refunded datetime: The date and time the order was refunded
- referrer string: The referrer for the order where available. The referrer may be from a website, social media, direct etc.
- active boolean: Is the order currently active?
- tickets ticket: A list of tickets for the order
- answers questionanswer: A list of answers to any dynamic questions captured for the order